Posts Tagged ‘Utah’

Joseph R. Pitts

Image via Wikipedia

It started this year with the “forcible rape” language in the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” (which has since been removed).  Next was Joe Pitts’ (R – PA) “Protect Life Act” which could, because of very broad language, allow doctors perform any abortion regardless if not doing so could be fatal to the woman in question.  As with the previous bill, supporters of this bill say it only clarifies existing law.

Currently, under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, a woman with a life-threatening condition cannot be refused treatment at any hospital in the country even if the treatment involves an abortion.  Under Pitts’ proposed law, this would change.  A doctor could potentially deny a woman an abortion even if that abortion would save her life.  The doctor would also be able to refuse to transfer the woman to a facility which would provide her the care necessary to save her life.

In South Dakota, Governor Dennis Daugaard is likely to sign a bill that would extend the time a woman is required to wait before being legally allowed to go through with an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours.  During this time, a woman would be required to attend mandatory counseling about why an abortion is a bad idea.  His justification is that women should wait more time and counseling to ensure they are making the correct choice because the decision is “very important.”  He’s correct in the regard that it is a very important decision.  However, it’s no business of the government to get involved in that decision.  The decision should be solely between the woman (or couple) in question and her doctor.

A loophole caused by vague language in a Utah bill could potentially result in women being charged with assault or murder if “reckless behavior” results in a miscarriage.  The bill was prompted by an isolated incident of a teenager who paid someone to beat her up in the hopes of causing her to miscarry.  However, because of the bill not containing clear and concise definitions of what would constitute “reckless behavior”.  A woman could potentially be charged with murder if her unborn child dies because she does not leave an abusive relationship.  Women have enough trouble, both emotionally and financially, leaving an abusive relationship.  This idea would only greatly increase this burden.

Abortions are already extremely emotionally difficult decisions and in many cases they can already be a financial burden as well because of the continuing limitations being placed on women being allowed to obtain financial assistance if they are poor.  We need to stand up and be counted in opposition to these fascistic theocratic viewpoints that erode the civil rights and the equality of women.  These are NOT the kind of laws we should be pushing for in an America that is founded on and who’s laws are still based on the Constitution.

– “Left of Center”