Posts Tagged ‘New York City’

American Flag on 9-11+5 years

Image via Wikipedia

I still remember being jolted awake by the phone that morning. A friend calling hysterical, crying, emphatic for me to turn on the television. Groggily trying to figure out what could have her so very upset so very early in the morning. Very little surprises me in life. What we witnessed that morning surprised me greatly. Probably the most so in my life. It, quite frankly, also scared the Hell out of me. What was happening? Who was responsible? Why were they doing this? How could this happen within our borders?

None of those thoughts really matter anymore. As I reflect back on the time that has passed I have several thoughts I’d like to share. That can come later however, as those may be topics that generate disagreement. Today we need to remember that spirit of country, of family we had in the weeks following these horrific attacks on our United States. Today we need to remember that despite what is sometimes a number of differences we are one country, free & united together.

Take a moment of silence today for the over 3,000 of our family members, our men & women who were senselessly taken from us that day. We need to remember our neighbors and our loved ones and honor those fallen heroes who put their own lives on the line to save a few of their fellow citizens.  Creed, race, nationality & other meaningless surface differences need to be ignored. We were all attacked that day. We all suffered that day.  Let’s not forget we are all Americans regardless of our differences.

– “Left of Center”

New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street in New ...

Image via Wikipedia

Today marks the anniversary of the murders of nearly 3000 American citizens of all nationalities & faiths.  Today we look back and reflect on both their loss and the sacrifice of dozens of first responders, heroes one and all, both in the collapse of the towers and from related illness in the years that have followed. Just as I did nine years ago, I look back today and wonder.. why? What could possibly have driven 20 people to become so hateful, so despondent, so unhappy with the world and with life that they could do something so monstrous.

I, like many may have done at first, blamed religion. I’ve come to accept that though I may have my disagreements with all religions, that religion is not at fault for this. No, I’ve come to firmly believe that the cause of the 9-11 attacks rests solely in the lack of jobs, education, and overall opportunity that citizens of many other countries in the world deal with on a daily basis. Items that many of us in America take very much for granted. Even when times are tough here we still have it better here than many other people on this planet.

Like has happened countless times throughout history, a small minority of evil and/or powerful people is able to use the promise of fortune, opportunity and success to trick and motivate people that are facing a life with little to look forward to into becoming misguided followers. These evil people poison and close off the minds of those that are just looking for a chance to do good or right by their families. A chance to move up or move out or make something of themselves. This is not just a problem that happens in the Middle East. We have several instances of similar, though certainly smaller scale troubles, in our own past in this country. Sadly, these people that become followers of whatever perverted version of whatever belief system they have been brainwashed into will go to nearly any length to achieve that which their mental captors desire them to go.

When I look back on September 11th, 2001 I cannot help but still feel the same things I felt then. I can’t help but still feel revolted by both the video and the media’s constant need to replay it endlessly. I can’t help but feel the shock and the pain and the heartbreak and the anger that I first felt living through that day. I can’t begin to even pretend to imagine how those in New York, DC, & on Flight 93 that were directly involved feel.  My mind reels at the thought of it. My heartfelt condolences to all those that suffered direct and personal loss on that day. As Americans we all lost something that day, but their loss is greatest and I know for those that actually lost a loved on in the towers or the Pentagon or on Flight 93, even nine years hence that pain is still fresh and it will be for awhile.

I have an additional sadness over the events and the years that have followed. I am sad for us as a country that the spirit and attitude of togetherness and unity that we showed that day and in the weeks and months that followed. The true patriotism and civility, even for a short time, replaced the self-importance and the disregard that we generally have for our fellow Americans. I am disheartened by the fact that I strongly believe that we have not learned the lessons the tragedy was meant to teach us.

When one group of Americans rise in protest against protecting Constitutional Rights for another group of Americans, we all lose.  We saw it in the days and weeks following the attacks and we’ve seen that unfortunate ignorance rear it’s ugly head again in the recent months both in regards to politics, Muslim Americans, gay rights, and other issues. Each time one group of Americans argues for only protecting Constitutional rights when the issue at hand doesn’t make us uncomfortable, then we all fall short of the goals and aspirations that the Founding Fathers had for this nation.

It is my hope that as we move past this day and toward the 10 year anniversary that we rediscover that sense of unity and togetherness that we found for a short time following the attacks. Only this time I hope that we can keep it part of how we behave and who we are for good. We need to stop forgetting that regardless of nationality, race, sexual orientation, or religious denomination we are all Americans and we all have and deserve the same rights and protections under law outlined in the Constitution.

To all of those that suffered personal loss, I hope that one day finds you the solace that you need to keep the memories of your loved ones alive but be beyond the pain.

We Will Never Forget!

– “Left of Center”


Image via Wikipedia

So now we know what’s driving the misguided & hateful leader of the Dove World Outreach Center. The pastor of the church of less than 50 people claims he was using the irresponsible and reprehensible plan to burn the Muslim holy book the Koran today, on the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, as leverage. Pastor Terry Jones supposed goal was to convince Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf of New York to move the mosque & community center from it’s current planned location at 51 Park Place. Was this his plan all along or is he trying to use this to shift the focus? I suppose only Pastor Jones deity, whichever one that may truly be, knows.

Was this Pastor Jones’ intent from the beginning? If so, isn’t this in & of itself, terrorism? Trying to use the burning of the Muslim holy book by one group of Americans to coerce and intimidate another group of Americans into changing their plans. Why? Because Pastor Jones is yet another American who is apparently mistakenly convinced that 51 Park Place is on ground zero and apparently that all Muslims are extremists. Neither of these is even remotely correct, but if Mr Jones is anything like the others who believe this, there is little chance of convincing them of this.

The difficulty is that Pastor Jones’ plan is absolutely a legal protest protected by the 1st Amendment. The government has no legal standing to prevent this. The rest of us, we Americans who disagree with the plan, have no ground to prevent this action. We have only the legal standing to speak out against these plans as not reflecting the viewpoints of the majority of Americans. Thankfully Pastor Jones has, as of now, canceled the plans to carry out this offensive act. Unfortunately, the damage is done. Extremists are already using this planned event as leverage and ammunition to convince people in the Middle East that Americans all think like Mr Jones.

That this event was even considered and that it came so close to occurring shows that we have, in unfortunate point of fact, learned very little from the 9-11 attacks.

– “Left of Center”

The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments t...

Image via Wikipedia

This is an interesting topic as of late; apparently had drawn a lot of attention throughout the states. As you may have been aware of (I hope you are aware at minimum), there has been an issue out in New York City regarding a proposed Islamic building (supposed to be a community center, but labeled as a mosque by your “Conservatives”) within two blocks of the Ground Zero location.

This item has definitely picked up quite a bit of issues and “concerns” have arisen from the general public. These concerns stem from other short-sightedness, to tribalistic and prejudiced behaviors. However, let’s go over two very important items as to why this should not be an issue to anyone:

  • Item 1 – The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: The most important amendment in the Constitution (sorry 2nd Amendment people, you’re wrong on this, that is why your item is listed 2nd, not 1st), in a modern English interpretation, the government (or public in this case) can’t prevent the free exercise of speech/religion. This applies to all religions (not the ones you agree with, and also applies to those that don’t want to adhere to a religion).
  • Item 2 – Private Property (the “Libertarian” stance): This is for those individuals who value private property above any social stances. Since this is indeed private property and all provisions have accounted for (local laws, permits, et. al.), why are other citizens and individuals inserting themselves into the affairs of private citizens’ private property?

I don’t see anyone complaining about any additional Seventh-Day Adventist Churches in Waco, Texas now? For those unable to grasp the significance of my statement, look up David Koresh. What about churches near the OKC bombings (Timothy McVeigh)? Or how about the best one, churches near abortion clinics that have been vandalized/bombed?

Morality (since that topic has been brought up a few times, as well as consideration) is a subjective item and should be kept to one’s self. No one person has the right, or privilege to subject another to one’s standards under duress/bondage. Even more so, applying such an item when the base issues are 1st Amendment issues and private property.

If we try and use the argument about another country putting up a church, that item is quickly invalidated. They have their own set of “rules” and if they are fine with having social injustices and being hypocritical, it falls on them. We’re supposed to be better than that, and obviously a significant portion of the population still does not get it (it took a while when it comes to treating Blacks [I hate using that term, but using it for the effect] equally, of suffrage for women, or “inter-racial” marriage and every other social nonsense we do in this country).

The offense item, that’s easy. Freedom of speech/expression means that you WILL have to hear things that you are going to disagree with it. That does not mean you get to exercise any privileges in suppressing the opposing group/party because they are playing for the wrong gang. Consideration is a two-way street, as well as respect and every other social item. Unless of course, we’re okay with “you’re free to do what you like, as long as I personally approve of it first.”

Remember, my goal isn’t to coerce people’s minds to do anything. I’m not here for that. I’m here to provide facts, counter-points, and more importantly, make you think. If just because I have a different view point or make some strong arguments you suddenly behave antagonistic due to not agreeing with your thoughts, allow me to warn you on this. Tribalism is a very dangerous precedent and will never allow any proper progress in this world. Just remember, I may disagree with your viewpoints, but I’ll defend your natural rights to have those viewpoints.

– “Classic Liberal”

At this time I can’t think of a better way to address this non-issue that has become such an issue than has already been done:

More to come..

– “Left of Center”